Access through the client

Once an organization is created, it can be used to organize access to projects, datasets, and more.

Verta allows these resources to be contained within organizations—using the client.

Client and workspaces

To specify what organization an resource should be in, methods of Client provide a workspace parameter where applicable. For example, to create a project in an organization called "tutorial":

client.create_project("Text Classification", workspace="tutorial")

If no workspace is specified, the project is logged to your default workspace.

After creation, the project can get retrieved from that workspace:

client.get_project("Text Classification", workspace="tutorial")

By default, these entities are created with the baseline permission levels as configured by the org admin. For e.g. if baseline permissio is read-only, everyone in the org will have read-only access. Org admins will have full access. You can go to webapp to invite collaborators with higher permissions.

Last updated